Reflecting On Your School Year

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Reflecting On Your School Year - Assessment

When the school year comes to an end it’s important to reflect on the year. It’s time to acknowledge the challenges, celebrate the successes, and think about the changes you’ll make for the next year. Whether you decide to write in a journal or just think while you go on a walk students to do.

Here are some questions to ask yourself while you reflect:

  1. What is one thing you accomplished during the school year that you are proud of?
  2. What is something you would change about the year if you could?
  3. Did you try anything new this year? How did it go? Will you try it again?
  4. Who of your coworkers was most helpful to you?
  5. Who was your most challenging student? Why?
  6. How can you educate and have open conversations with your class on inclusion?
  7. What’s something you found frustrating? How did you deal with it?
  8. How have you professionally grown this year?
  9. How did you participate in self-care this year?
  10. Did you have problems staying organized? How can you improve that for next year?
  11. What has been your biggest stressor this year?
  12. What helped you feel the most inspired or excited about teaching?
  13. Which student did you find to have the most improvement? What do you think helped them?
  14. What do you hope your students remember most about you?
  15. Did you have any ELLs in your classroom? How did you support them? How can you improve your advocation of them?
  16. Who helped you get through your stressful moments?
  17. What’s the biggest mistake you made this year? How can you avoid making the same mistake next year?
  18. In what ways were you supporting your coworkers this year? How can you help more?
  19. What’s the most valuable thing you learned this year?
  20. If you could choose your own salary based on your teaching performance and workload, what would you choose? (This is not based on your current salary)
  21. Is there anything you did this year that was a surprise success?
  22. What opportunities came out of your challenging situations?
  23. What part of the day is your favorite during the school day? Why?
  24. If you could go back in time, knowing what you know now, would you still choose to be a teacher? If no, is there a way you can get re-inspired, or change your course in life?
  25. What kind of professional development do you think could prepare you for next year?
  26. How did you change the lives of your students this year?


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