Establishing Routines and Procedures Early in the School Year

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Establishing Routines and Procedures Early in the School Year

If strengthening your class management skills is a goal for you this school year, establishing routines and procedures early in the school year is essential. Classroom management is important for minimizing classroom disruptions and fostering a positive learning environment. It also relieves a lot of the stress on the teacher by giving them more control in their classrooms. Here are a few examples of routines and procedures you can implement this school year.

  1. Attention Getters

Download this pdf infographic for some ideas for attention getters. One example of an attention getter is saying “1, 2, 3, eyes on me!” the class would then respond with “1, 2, eyes on you!”.

  1. Hand Signals

You can ask students to raise a certain number of fingers to ask for specific things (ex. 2 fingers for bathroom). This allows teachers to teach with less disruption.

  1. Establish a Morning Routine

Starting the morning with a consistent routine is great for students and teachers. This could include meeting them at the door, using the first 3-5 minutes of the class for check-ins or a mindfulness activity, or going over the day’s agenda.

  1. Set Classroom Rules and Expectations

Clearly define and enforce the rules you set for your classroom. You can invite the students to be a part of the rule making for the classroom.

  1. Assign Classroom Jobs

Giving students their own jobs to do to keep the classroom running smoothly helps create a sense of community and responsibility. These can be small jobs such as door holder or lights monitor.

  1. Assign Guidelines for Group Work

Teach students how to work in groups respectfully and collaboratively. Set rules so that no one is left out and the groups are different every time.

  1. Set an End of Day Routine

Set time aside at the end of the day to preform your end of day routine. This could be a quick review of what they learned, reflection time, or cleanup time.

Establishing routines and procedures in your classroom is essential for creating a positive and compassionate learning space. It gives students a sense of stability and predictability that help them feel secure and focused. These routines make teachers feel more in control of their classroom and relieves a lot of stress. As teachers and their students get accustomed to the routines, the classroom will be harmonious, organized, and efficient. To get more ideas on classroom management strategies check out the course from CE Credits Online “Classroom and Behavior Management Strategies that Work”.

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